Thursday, January 8, 2009

In a bid to redeem...........

I had planned to begin posting on this blog on the very first day of this year itself, but then restrained myself. A part of me wanted to know what the first week of 2009 has in its store for The-way. Exactly 372 days back my world was turned upside down within a span of 3 hours. Since then I have been going downhill. Whenever it felt like I have touched nadir, I slipped further.

As everything had begun to go wrong for me from the first week of January 2008 itself, naturally, or rather instinctively I was looking for the 'omens' which would reveal my future course. In simple words, I was curious to know whether this week gives any signs of my fortune reversal. I waited with a bated breath as the date on my digital calender moved from 1 to 2 and................... again a disastrous news came in. As I pulled my blanket over me that night I could feel myself going numb by pondering over the news again and again. But suddenly an inner voice asked me to stop thinking. I could clearly listen as that voice inside me kept on echoing just two sentences 'Stop thinking. Just do the work' Soon I was finding myself relaxed. My hands and feet begin to gain warmth. Slowly I drifted into the sleep.

6 days later, as I'm writing this post, I'm relived a bit. It looked like as if another disaster was waiting to happen, but, nothing happened. Mission 16 has been accomplished and I have began to feel the same optimistic vibrations again. Though its too early to predict. Mission 16 was a skirmish and what follows is a bigger But those two sentences keep me upbeat and going.............STOP THINKING. JUST DO THE WORK.

See you soon in my next post. Have a nice day.

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