Sunday, March 8, 2009

" the real world." First crack (Part 6)

The plans often don't work in the way you wanted them to. 2nd mid terms results did not dish out anything that could boost up Raj's image in front of anyone, forget Maitri. On the other hand she as well as Sapna were once again amongst the toppers. Raj couldn't comprehend what went wrong. More than his average performance he was ruing for the chance he had missed to get Maitri's attention. His last chance was the third mid term exams, but before that something big was about to happen. Something for which almost everyone in the college was waiting for, atleast the 1st year guys. The ANNUAL COLLEGE FEST.

The whole programme was out in the 1st week of January itself and soon everyone was immersed in the preparations. Different committees were formed and students were asked to give their names as volunteers. As the fest week approached the labs and lectures were given a miss. Only a few 'studious' girls and boys could be found in the lecture theaters. A small no. of students were actually involved in any activity. Rest were savoring these days by roaming around in the college which they couldn't in general days while rest just skipped the college itself enjoying at home.

Raj too was enjoying his college life to the hilt for the first time. There were very few restrictions and even lecturers didn't force themselves on the students. Raj didn't give his name for any committee as he was more interested in participating rather than volunteering. For the first time in last few months his mind was engaged in something other than thinking of a way to impress Maitri. He went through the list of different competitions to be held and decided to concentrate on them.

The fest lasted for one week only but students couldn't get out of it's effects for another week. The attendance was low in the college, those who came didn't feel like studying at all and few would still get out of the classrooms to roam around the college. But now the authorities were strict and finally it dawned on the students that fun time was over now. Raj had a superb time at the fest and he was successful in winning a couple of awards too, something he really cherished. It was difficult for him too to concentrate back on studies but now it was utmost important.

Raj was sitting in the break having his lunch alone that day as rest of his mates were absent. He saw the girls in the front row looking at something and chattering & laughing in loud voices. Raj became a bit curious though he didn't dare to go and find for himself as he didn't have talking terms with most of these girls. Then few minutes later the girls dispersed and Raj saw Avani, a girl of his bus, putting a bundle of photographs into a bag he recognised that of Sapna's.

"Hey Avani" Raj called her "Whose snaps are these in your hands?"
"These photographs are of Sapna's. I'm putting them back into her bag."
"Wait! I want to have a look." Raj said leaping out of his bench.

The photos were from a digital camera and were shot during the fest. They consisted of Sapna and her other friends at different corners of the college and few in the buses as well.

"Who clicked these snaps of her?" Raj was surprised. He didn't have any idea about it.
"There is a guy in section B, Ganga Singh. He shot all the snaps." Avani replied.

Raj knew this guy. He was a good friend of Raghu and would eat his lunch with latter only. How did this guy get so close with Sapna, Raj wondered. And then it clicked to him. No, it couldn't be Ganga but Raghu instead. But how and when?

Now Raj remembered that he didn't get to see Sapna much before or during the fest while she had come to the college almost everyday. He was so much immersed in his own thoughts and the environment of the fest that he had failed to notice her absence. So, was she busy with Raghu and her friends all the time? The snaps were a proof that they had got closed, or was it his own thinking? Sapna's single snaps were just two in the bundle so it might would have been some other case. Any of her friend might have been involved with Raghu or one of his friends instead of Sapna itself.

A lot of things were going through Raj's mind as he was looking at the photos and he wasn't able to reach to any conclusion. He thought of asking Avani about it but then he didn't. After returning the bundle to Avani only one big question was bugging him. If Sapna was indeed involved with Raghu ( or anyone else), how come he failed to know anything about it?

As Raj sat there alone in the room he couldn't decide whether he should feel angry or happy or...... jealous......

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